Ask Rockerpinkgirl

Hey! Want to ask me a question? There are 2 ways to ask me!

BY COMMENT: Just commenton the comment box. It is down after this page is all done. Remember, Rockerpinkgirl can NOT approve the comment, she E-MAILs you for the answer. NOTE: Your e-mail will take about 8 hours because in Rockerpinkgirl headquarters (her house), she will get 500 a week.

BYE-MAIL: This is optional, just e-mail and put “Rockerpinkgirl Question” on the subject line. Then press Send. NOTE: Your reply will take 24 hours because it slows down when typing by e-mail!

You will get this:

Hi Your Name Here.

Thanks for asking Your Question Here. Answer here


Name Rockerpinkgirl support

4 Responses

  1. Hi RPG,

    Can I work on your site, too? If yes, give me a fill in sheet and will be sent by next Thursday!


  2. Hi Rocker,

    Help me! I am 9 years old and I want to know the exact age to play Pandanda.

    Help me Pink!


  3. Hey,

    I dont live near a Build-A-Bear Workshop store. How can I buy a cute kitty cat without going to the store?


  4. Hi Rockerpinkgirl,

    How many people can work on your site?


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